Sunday, February 16, 2020

Logistics and Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Logistics and Supply Chain Management - Essay Example In the electronics industry flexibility, responsiveness to customer demand and product specifications and time management are important in the strategic management of the supply chain. Dell Computers is a typical example in the industry that manufactures as per orders received and its manufacturing schedule is changed every two hours (Chou, Tan & Yen, 2004). For Dell maintaining delivery schedules are more important than prices and they ensure that the entire chain is strategically managed. Their goal is to decrease inventory cost and match production to demand. This is in line with the concept of JIT in inventory management. JIT reduces overall production costs by streamlining the products flow within the production process and improves information flow within business partners. In the manufacturing industry, JIT-driven processes can introduce small purchase lot sizes that can be delivered in exact quantities rather than traditional large batch delivery with 5 percent volume either way (Waters-Fuller, 1995). Multi-sourcing can be eliminated and manufacturers can stick to a few suppliers or ideally one supplier per component. Supplier selection need not solely be based on price but quality and delivery performance can be used to assess the efficiency of the suppliers. JIT purchasing enables awarding long-term contract to the suppliers in return for the demand that buyer makes on the supplier. Long-term contracts not only eliminate the re-tendering costs but also reduce the prices for re-ordering. JIT further helps to strategically manage whether the supplier should supply directly or through a warehouse between the supplier and the customer. While supplying directly is the ideal solution, the suppliers must receive comprehensive scheduling and planning data before production commences (Waters-Fuller, 1995). A warehouse on the other hand helps to provide a buffer stock and the warehouse can be

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Ocean Depth Probe Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Ocean Depth Probe - Essay Example Electromagnetic Compatibility is the capability of electrical and electronic systems, equipments, and devices to operate in their intended electromagnetic environment within a defined margin of safety, and at design levels or performance, without suffering or causing unacceptable degradation as a result of electromagnetic interference (Electronic Project Design 2009). So, various aspects of the Ocean including the natural earth magnetic field at certain depth and the unnatural magnetic fields caused due to human being for their different installment of instruments have to be sorted out so that no interferences occur at the time of ocean depth probe. All types of equipments and systems must be designed to meet electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) specifications. To achieve this aim, special design techniques are necessary. Their effective use in practical applications depends on the understanding of the underlying physical principles. EMC problems involve complex electromagnetic interactions and hence can only be tackled effectively by a combination of experimental and numerical tools (Christopoulos 1992, pp. 239-247) At the time of investigation of the depth of ocean, using the different techniques to explore the ocean for various purposes the movement of the sound wave in the different level of water is different, depending upon the nature of the water quality and various objects and animal present at particular level. Thigpen et. al (1985) have find out that "in marine seismic exploration, an acoustic source disposed beneath the water surface generates a signal which is reflected from layers beneath the ocean floor and received by hydrophones connected to a remote recording unit." The further investigation explains that "the received reflected signal provides information about the subsurface characteristics of the earth" (Thigpen, B B et al. 1985). This production of sound may interfere if not used properly for the investigation. In an experimental report find out by Thigpen et. al. (1985) shows that "conventional acoustic sources used in marine exploration consist of an array of many air guns or water guns fired simultaneously at pre-selected time intervals." Explaining the effects by this experiment they say "the shape of the acoustic wave or "signature" of the array is dependent upon the depth at which the array is fired and on the synchronization of the firing instant among all the guns in the array." They find out some contrast results with word of caution that "if one of the two parameters or both are not substantially the same for all guns the seismic signature will be less than optimum and if the depths of the guns are different, the firing instant of each gun can be changed by fractions of a millisecond so that the resulting acoustic wave front is at maximum amplitude and strength." JAMSTEC (2007) has provided various techniques to measure the depth of ocean and to find out different aspects of benefit of ocean probe as follows: Sensors to Investigate the Ocean at Different Depths: With the use of CTD (Conductivity (salinity), temperature, depth), an observational instrument to measure the conductivity (salinity), temperature and underwater pressure (depth) of the ocean, electrically, with its deployment in the ocean connected by cable to observe a vertical profile