Monday, December 23, 2019

Lisa Baxter gvv script Essay - 2948 Words

Developing a Voice - Lisa Baxter Script 1 Shareholders Stakeholders The company’s image The employees The female employees The women employees Lisa Baxter Senior executives The people who are harassing the women in the organization Gvv argument Gvv Counter Argument Lisa Baxter has been encountering sexual harassment issues in the business and she thought she was the only one, until she found out that also other women in the organization are getting sexually harassed and so she decides to speak up A meeting with the women going through issues of sexual harassment and the executives taking initial responsibility to punish or warn people harassing women. Some senior executives had gathered up in one of the senior†¦show more content†¦Bakhem: No way Lisa! Sam (thoughtfully): No she’s right Bakhem, that’s the only way we can know if this is true and you know if it is true it can ruin our organizations image, also the employees image they will think all our employees are flirts. Shawn: He’s got a point Bakhem. Bakhem (hesitantly accepted): Fine where and when let me know I’ll be there. (Bakhem stormed out of the board room) Lisa: Is there a problem sir? Sam: No, he just doesn’t like it when he’s wrong Shawn: Lisa, go around and spread the word, and ensure them that they will not be harmed if they complain to us in the meeting instead tell them the people that harmed them will be affected, they will be either fired or given a warning. Lisa (Excitedly): Yes sir. Sam: Arrange the board room on Tuesday afternoon, at 2. Lisa: yes sir. Shawn: I’ll tell Bakhem. Lisa: Thank you sir. Sam: Well see you in the next meeting I suppose. (Sam walked out of the room before Lisa responded) Shawn: See you around Lisa. Lisa: See you sir. (she left the room) Part 2 Shareholders Stakeholders The company image Employees image Lisa Baxter Senior managers the employees that were in the team Gvv argument Gvv Counter Argument it was inappropriate, the way senior managers acted. They wanted to go to the strip club and mentioned all this in front of the women, for Lisa this was very rude and she was very uncomfortable about

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Rhetorical Analysisi of a Technology Free Essays

The internet has become the new recreational area of the present and upcoming generations. Discourse communities have evolved greatly over time allowing users to redesign computer mediated communication. Each discourse community is made possible by the use of unique commonplaces where shared values and goals are identified. We will write a custom essay sample on Rhetorical Analysisi of a Technology or any similar topic only for you Order Now Active. com facilitates communication among athletes in our nation. Their community emphasizes competition, healthy nutrition and training. Through the use of this discourse community, athletes can take part of a team outside the local environment. In 1998, the Active Network began as an online registration site for tournaments. The company mission is â€Å"to enhance the life of individuals worldwide through technology and marketing solutions that enable and encourage participation† (Dave Alberga). The network now process more than one million transactions of events each year (â€Å"Hystory†). Registration, sales, and donations are processed online which allows for paperless transactions, making for a more cost effective and environmentally friendly option. According to journalist S. Marks comment on this discourse community, â€Å"It’s among the Web’s best tickets to sports and fitness event registration, fitness advice, and more†. In the case of a charity event and fundraisers, members habitually make a decision to participate for the sole cause of serving. This allows members to support a certain event of interest in which they might not be physically participating in, but might offer their support through donations and promotional support through online networking. Members of Active. om may take advantage of numerous tools offered to assist in enhancing athletic performance and improving overall health and fitness. Diet plans are customized for specific fitness and performance goals. There are also various fitness calculators included, ranging from those that calculate Body Mass Index (BMI) to pace rate and maximum heart rate. More in dept nutritional and training support is available through customized programs tailored to an individual’s current status and goals. However, these supplemental services are not free of charge. Training advice, tips and moral support is provided without a fee among the discourse community. The operators of the website provide members with daily advice which may be linked on other discourse community feeds such as Facebook or Twitter. Newsletters are also available via e-mail providing updated information on training trends, athletic event, nutritional and injury prevention tips. There is also advice for other outdoor activities such as camping and fishing which further encourages physical activity and well being. The shared goals of the discourse community: competition, healthy nutrition, and training ultimately form the foundation for overall wellness achieved through physical activity. Online training logs are ideal for logging and tracking fitness and athletic performance when working towards a goal or seeking overall improvement. The website is fashioned in such manner as to persuade the community to take part in sports and to seek further resources available through subscriptions for sale which are upgraded versions of the free tools offered. Provided that a member desires to have unlimited access to the vast benefits offered by Active. com, it can be acquired at the monthly rate of $9. 99/plus tax. The site is a strong athletic community which uses related advertising as a means to promote the discourse community shared goals and values. The services for sale may be of benefit to novices or athletes who have hit plateau and are seeking expert guidance for reaching their goals, otherwise the free services should suffice member’s needs. The online community unites professional athletes, beginners and fans from different parts of the nation. Users can create their own blogs which provides fans with the ability to keep track of professionals’ athletes within the community. Others that aspire to become professionals can be discovered by trainers in the same manner. The discourse community endows its members with valuable insight, including updated information, tips, and testimonials by expert coaches, trainers and professional athletes within a specific sport of interest. Members of the community value physical fitness, many of them inspiring to reach and maintain a certain level wellness. Therefore, advice from experienced athletes within the same field of interest is particularly valued within the community. Information shared among members is comprised of tournament instructions, fundraisers and charity events. When users begin a blog page, they often describe and elaborate on their personal experiences, achievements and obstacles encountered during their passionate involvement in a particular sport or activity. Language plays a crucial role in communicating among members when considering the diversity in sports lingo and terminology. The lingo used by the members of the discourse community might encourage individuals hat are familiar with the terminology to join and interact with other likeminded individuals. On the other hand, those who are unfamiliar with the sports lingo may be a bit hesitant in joining the discourse community. BMI, fartlek and ratio numeration used to denote training intervals are examples of sports lingo found in this discourse community. Howe ver, Active. com does offer various glossaries, articles and newsletters which allow for familiarization of specified terminology. Beginner and â€Å"newbie† selections are available for those just getting started within a particular sport. Members of the discourse community are encouraged to use sports lingo while active members of the site, this facilitates transition from novice to intermediate and so forth. People of the discourse community may browse for a team to join, a sports camp or retreat to register for or simply network with people nationwide with similar athletic interests. Millions of members visit Active. com each year to learn improvement techniques of the sport practiced and explore the website as this offers infinite number of activities available for members (â€Å"Our Communities Connect People with Things they Love to Do†). The benefits of the discourse community includes a facilitated activity calendar for athletic events where athletes are able to record times of previous competitions making their performance trends available for viewing by other community members. Members involved in this discourse community have the ability to create an online identity by creating a profile. Users are allowed to describe their interest on their profiles and write their plans which are referred to as their â€Å"status†. Blogs created by each member have the potential to inspire and motivate the rest of the community to reach and achieve their fitness/athletic goals. The discourse community shapes the identity of users by allowing them to identify with the context of the web page at the same time the users fit into place in blogs and tournaments of their level of training. By uploading video format and pictures, members may generate a dynamic space allowing communication through a more visual means. Members of the community typically upload pictures of themselves, as well as, pictures of previous competitions in which they participated in. Occasionally, some people will upload pictures of their children participating in sports. The site is welcoming to people of all body types, genders and racial/ethnic groups. Profile pictures of members as posted vary from the very athletic physique to the not so athletic. Fans are capable of following blogs by bookmarking members or creating online friends. The friendship created among users often resembles that of a coworker which post and answer each other’s blogs. If a member is interested on having a closer friendship, private messages can be sent to arrange for chatting or other activities. The users are allowed a display name or real name along with a picture or an avatar character representation. A URL web address is provided which can be accessed by members and nonmembers of the community. The language of the discourse community is to be understood among its like minded members of the community. Common places regarding to the role of each member in the community plays are described on the website. Each member is assigned a level according to points accumulated, mimicking recognition given to professional athletes by assigned nicknames coined by fans and coaches. The lowest level is called â€Å"rookie† with zero starts, and the highest level is called â€Å"we’re not worthy† which has five starts. The starts and points are awarded by initiating posting and by replying helpful answers. The points can be interchanged by prizes to include free training subscription from the site. The website operates under appropriate vocabulary etiquette. Comments, posts, and blogs that do not attach to the agreed etiquette behaviors are erased by the operators of the website. The primary commonplace of the discourse community is the logo of the website followed by the common place of each particular group. Due to the wide variety of sports that the website offers, the names of the sports are displayed as a list to avoid confusion among disciplines. The main page of the website displays several pictures and related links to associated articles while the member’s and groups profiles have a plain white background with one or two pictures. People’s reasons for participating in an online community may vary from person to person. Some reasons may include convenience, a broader community network which includes participants of all levels and practicality of services and tools offered online. People functioning under unusual agendas might benefit from the online space as they have the conveniences of simply logging in from any available computer with internet connectivity. This kind of convenience allows for staying current with blog friends, as well as keeping up to par with current community news and online feeds (Uwe Matzat). Members who belong to an athletic team may communicate, plan and schedule an event through this network of communication. This kind of discourse community may also be the perfect motivational tool for a novice of prospective athlete. People of all walks of life may find inspiration and support from this community since it is comprised of a diverse target population. The social status of the target audience is primarily middle class to upper class and the age targeted might vary according to articles, blogs, and groups that member belong to. For example, a mother of a family might find joy reading articles related to getting her children more involved in outdoor activities that involve the whole family, such as camping. In the same manner a teenage boy may find it more appealing to participate in group events such as marathon running. Residential and non-residential training camps are available for children and adult alike. A residential training camp consists of lodging for training session lasting more than one day, whereas non-residential involves a one day session. This unique social form of networking allows for athletes of all levels to come together in sharing advice, anecdotes and experiences related to a common athletic interest. The website ideology shapes people to be better athletes and eat healthy as the affinity group ideology is based on competition, healthy nutrition and training. Enthusiastic and inspirational individuals are found within the numerous communities which promote and support physical activity and wellness through participation in the various existent sports. Works Cited Dave Alberga. â€Å"About Active Network†. 2008. Active Network. Accessed October 15, 2010 from http://mediakit. activenetwork. com/About_Active_Network. htm â€Å"History†. 2010. Active Network. Accessed October 15, 2010 from http://www. activenetwork. com/about/corporate-overview/history. htm Susan J Marks. â€Å"Clicks and misses†. 2002. Bloomer Business Week. Accessed October 16, 2010 from http://www. businessweek. com/technology/content/apr2002/tc20020419_3319. htm â€Å"Our Communities Connect People with Things they Love to Do†. 2010. Active Network. Accessed October 15, 2010 from http://www. activenetwork. com/online-communities. htm Uwe Matzat. â€Å"Reducing problems of sociability in online communities: Integrating online communication with offline interaction†. 2010. American Behavioral Scientist. Accessed October 16, 2010 from http://www. umatzat. net/matzat_ABS. pdf How to cite Rhetorical Analysisi of a Technology, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Divorce Decree free essay sample

Final Project: Draft a Divorce Decree Your Final Project is due this week. Using the scenario below, you are to draft a divorce decree, which is the final order of the court and dissolves the marriage and any and all outstanding issues of the marriage; this would include property, debt, children custody, support (alimony and child support), and miscellaneous issues. In this scenario, Patty filed divorce. Therefore, Patty is the Plaintiff and David is the Defendant. In some jurisdictions, the Plaintiff will be called the Petitioner, while the Defendant will be referred to as the Respondent. Additionally, a divorce decree may be referred to as a judgment of divorce. Remember, your textbook can be a great resource for your assignment. Fact Scenario Through years of marital problems, Patty has filed for divorce from David. Both Patty (38 years old) and David (48 years old) have legally separated and are residing in different homes. We will write a custom essay sample on Divorce Decree or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Patty resides at 123 W. Golf Road, Patriot, Massachusetts 12345. David resides at 456 E. Lark St. , Patriot, Massachusetts 12345. The couple has two children: David, Jr. , 8 years old and Patricia, 5 years old. David has a successful career as an engineer. Patty has a successful career as an Assistant School Principal. During the marriage, both parties worked. Patty currently resides in the marital home with the children, while David has relocated to a relative’s home. Patty has accepted a job offer in another state, which would relocate Patty and the children miles away from the marital home, in which they currently reside. David fears that this distance would not benefit the children’s relationship with both parents. David files a motion for custody during the pendency of the divorce proceedings. Instructions * Research the requirements for drafting a divorce decree (judgment of divorce) in your jurisdiction. (Tip: look to the Rules of Civil Procedure in your jurisdiction) * Draft a divorce decree (judgment of divorce), which details the above facts. Your facts and expansion of same should be consistent with the factual scenario. Please do not add any facts. However, you can use effective words to better articulate the points. Remember, Patty is the Plaintiff and David is the Defendant. Therefore, Patty has filed for divorce. The decree should resolve all issues of the marriage, including custody, alimony, child support, debts, property, miscellaneous such as life insurance, health insurance, relocation, payment of attorney fees, etc. Be sure to include the following portions of the decree: (1) child custody and visitation (parenting time) and all issues incidental and necessary; (2) property rights; (3) insurance provisions (health and life); (4) child support; (5) spousal support; (6) bankruptcy; and (7) miscellaneous issues incidental and necessary to the decree. Of course, the standard caption and introductory paragraph and signature lines of the parties and the judge should be include. * Remember that both parties must agree to the terms and conditions in the decree. The decree will be final, so all issues incidental and necessary should be addressed and resolved within the decree. The court will not approve same with it * After you have reviewed, proofread, and corrected your assignment, please upload the assignment into the applicable Dropbox. If you experience any difficulties with the Dropbox, please email your assignment to the instructor before the deadline and contact student tech support as well. Remember, your textbook can be a great resource for your assignment.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Women In The 17th, 18th, and 19th century Essay Example For Students

Women In The 17th, 18th, and 19th century Essay In the 17th century rich women would normally be taught at home by a tutor, they were taught subjects like Latin, French, Needlework, and how to converse, and they were also taught how to look pretty and to play instruments like the piano. When they were older there parents would decide who they were going to marry and the family of the women would pay a dowry to the parents of the husband. They only got married to get more popular and look more important, if the wives husband thought the wives got annoying the husband would put a scolds bridle on her head. If the husband wanted to get divorced the husband could just take the wife to market. We will write a custom essay on Women In The 17th, 18th, and 19th century specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A rich women wouldnt normally get a job, they would just stay at home and look after the family and tell the servants what to do. Poor women did not go to school or have an education, they just looked after their home, and span cotton or worked in fields. Poor women had to look after there children and prepare meals, work in the fields and produce cotton, they didnt get paid much and had to work hard. Women In The 19th CenturyIn the 19th century rich women were educated at home by tutors and learned pretty much the same as in the 17th century, learn to play the piano, speak French, entertain quests, look attractive, and entertain guests. After 1870 it was made compulsory for all women to have an education, Girls didnt learn the same subjects as boys, they learnt subjects like laundry, cookery, needlework and housewifery skills. Rich women did work, but ran their home bossing their servants around, after 1870 some women became teachers and after the typewriter was invented some became secretaries or clerks. At this time all women had to retire when they were married. A rich womens servants did all a her domestic tasks at home. So all she needed to do at home was look good and attractive and boss servants about. School wasnt made compulsory until 1870 until then poor people didnt go to school because they couldnt afford it. Poor women had to work as well as bringing up her children, they had to work in coal mines and factories for long hours earning little money, up until 1870 young children would be expected to work too. Women In The 20th CenturyIn the 20th when the 1st world war started women could leave their underpaid jobs and could get jobs at a factory because all the men had gone off to fight for the war so the women worked in the factories making ammo for the war. In 1914 14,000 men worked at the Woolwich Arsenal munitions factory, in 1916 when the war started 100,000 people worked there. After the war had finished the women were a bit disappointed because they had to go back to their old jobs and they didnt earn as much money and they were used to earning more money, but when the typewriter was invented jobs as secretaries were available which women could take and some women became teachers. Women were now aloud to vote and the first female MP came. Girls were taught the same subjects as boys except girls were taught other subjects like Housewifery, laundry and childcare. The women started to wear different clothes, they wouldnt wear corsets any more, the would just wear tight cloths and shorter dresses so they could dance easier because they danced differently, they swung about more and moved there legs more. .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 , .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .postImageUrl , .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 , .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:hover , .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:visited , .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:active { border:0!important; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:active , .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703 .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u801117b579c8a44c9acb1a8db923e703:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gay Marriage EssayMy ConclussionI think the role of women changed quite a lot, because its all lead to the world how it is today which is nothing like it was then. If the people did half of what we did today then the people wouldnt of found it very polite. I think all the changes that happened in the 20th century were good because women were treated more equally like men.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How are the monetary tools used to stimulate THE ECONOMY when unemploy

How are the monetary tools used to stimulate THE ECONOMY when unemploy How are the monetary tools used to stimulate THE ECONOMY when unemployment is high? When addressing the problems of unemployment, the monetary tool, expansionary monetary policy comes into play. Expansionary policy makes every effort to stimulate the economy by increasing the sum of money in motion, along with equivalent reduction in interest rates. Expansionary monetary policy is put into motion by the central bank through the open market operation. This is the process of purchasing government bonds to increase the supply of money and lower interest rates. Lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply are done to help with the incentive for businesses to lend, invest, and overall expand. Because the banks and institutions that sold the central bank the debt have more cash, it is easier for them to make loans to its customers (Boundless). Interest rates for loans initially go down, allowing businesses to use the money for expansion. Expansion leads to more jobs to be filled, reducing unemployment rates. How are the monetary tools used to reduce or prevent inflation? The Federal Reserves most import job is to manage inflation while preventing a recession. Contractionary monetary policy is the type of monetary policy the Fed uses in attempt to slow down economic growth. Economic growth can be slowed when the money allowed into the market is limited. This action makes receiving loans more expensive. Most commonly monetary tool used to prevent inflation is the open market operation, which is the process of the Fed buying and selling securities. To prevent inflation securities are sold, forcing banks to buy them, to reduce capital and allow higher interest rate charges. Another tool is the process of raising the Reserve requirement. Raising the amount of money banks are required to reserve allows more to be kept out of rotation. Another tool used is the option of increasing the discount rate. This is the interest rate the Fed itself charges to allow banks to borrow funds from the Fed's discount window (Amadeo). The last tool the Fed may use is the Fed funds rate. This is the interest rate banks charge for loans they make to each other to maintain the Reserve requirement (Amadeo). Usually the Fed will change the Fed funds rate, before making changes the reserve requirement and discount rate. This monetary tool is a simple and gives the same results from raising either the reserve requirement or discount rate. Reference Amadeo, K. (n.d.). How Interest Rates Are Determined. Retrieved March 5, 2015, from Boundless. The Effect of Expansionary Monetary Policy. Boundless Economics. Boundless, 14 Nov. 2014. Retrieved 03 Mar. 2015 from

Friday, November 22, 2019

An Analysis of the Essay of Malcolm X as a Racist

An Analysis of the Essay of Malcolm X as a Racist Malcolm was a racist, violent Black Man. He has been an anti-white all through his previous life as he had confessed, and has remained the same even after his pilgrimage to Mecca. His thoughts and emotions deny the White man, and he still sees them as hypocrites who try to benefit from the Blacks, using Negroes as tools to enrich their lives. The influence he had received during his past years from Elijah Muhammad, and his learning of the history of the White man had so much effect on him. Although he had professed to witness to have understood the real teachings of Islam, his ideas and opinions of the Whites did not change. His preaching still focused on the Black mans plight, as he had done when he served as the Minister of the Nation of Islam. Malcolm says, I didnt miss a single opportunity to tell the truth about the crimes, the evils and the indignities that are suffered by the black man in America (pg 351). He simply generalizes all Whites to be evil and tells how the White men had oppressed them. He doesnt seem to realize that Whites nowadays are different from who they were before in the past. He was telling the truth, of the cruel history of the Whites, but the truth didnt apply to all Whites as he thought. If he had witnessed the spirit of true brotherhood during his pilgrimage in Mecca, shouldnt he be more open -minded, have more sympathy and a magnanimous heart towards the White people? His speeches caused the blacks to hate the Whites and commit violent crimes against them. New York Citys press was highly upset about a recent killing in Harlem of a White woman, for which many were blaming me at least indirectly (pg 365). This shows that Malcolm was a great orator, who could unite the blacks, bur it would have been better off if he had thought more to love one another, to become one as brothers, as written in the Quran. His Blood Brothers only consisted of Negroes. If we all are, as he says, the descendants of Gods creation, why cant Whites as well be a part of his Blood Brother? Malcolm actually says that there is only a minority of brotherly white people. Yes, I have been convinced that some American whites do want to help cure the rampant racism which is now the path to destroy this country! (Pg. 365) He has no sympathy for other Whites than the White Muslims, and doesnt even try to compromise with them. As much as he defended the rights of the Blacks, and preached of the Whites historical crimes, he denied the Whites and couldnt get out of his racial prejudice. How could he actually say that there was only a minority of brotherly white people, when he, himself, didnt even bother to socialize or integrate with the Whites in America, to get to know each of them better? Muslims of white complexions were the only people whom Malcolm considered as brothers. He did not accept other Whites as his brothers; he was still a racist to them. Malcolm denies the White people, and before accepting them as human beings, he first perceives their white skin color and starts to hold a racial prejudice against them. He lies the responsibility of the Black mans sufferings on the White man unconditionally, that it is their entire fault

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The Law of Trusts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Law of Trusts - Essay Example As mentioned above there must also be certain of subject matter and certainty of the object. If no specific property has been indicated then the trust will not be valid. Similarly, if the property has been indicated but not clearly defined then the trust will fail. This may happen where the testator attempts to leave the residuary of their estate to another. On some occasions, it may be impossible to identify the trust property, or the property may be unascertained property as in the case of Hunter v Moss [1994] where the courts held that the declaration of trust in respect of shares was not void for certainty because the shares had not been segregated or appropriated. In this case, the court held that the declaration by Moss of holding 5% of the shares on trust for Hunter could be identifiable property as it did not matter which of the shares were to become the property of the other. In order to establish which of the dispositions above is valid, it is necessary to examine the benef iciary principle to determine which of the above meet the criteria and can be classified as beneficiaries. It is also necessary to look at cases that do not satisfy the beneficiary principle but have been treated as valid and the circumstances when the courts have accepted the trust as valid despite not meeting the criteria for the beneficiary principle. One of the main difficulties that could be caused by the above dispositions is in determining whether they are purpose trusts or whether they benefit specific beneficiaries.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Does any IR theory present a convincing framework for understanding Essay

Does any IR theory present a convincing framework for understanding global governance Why or why not Discuss with reference to - Essay Example The first time that the concept of IR theory as an academic discipline can be traced back to the book ‘the Twenty Years Crisis’ which was published in 1939 and was written by E.H. Carr. The publication of this book, the occurrence of the First World War and the consequent complexities on the international sphere prompted the University of Wales, Aberystwyth to set up a department dedicated to this subject (Burchill, et al., 2005). With the passage of time, conceptual models evolved in an attempt to explain the complex nature of post World War II- world and currently, several theories are present that aim to explain international politics. We now come to the second part of the question which is global governance. The concept itself is an old one but it has re-emerged in recent years by the name of globalization. Global governance refers to interaction of political nature between transnational actors aimed at solving common issues and problems in the absence of a power of enforcement. These issues and problems may be solved by arrangements which may be formal in the form of laws, treaties and constitutions involving governments, IGOs, NGOs, MNCs and civil society or it may be informal in the form of guidelines or coalitions. ... Secondly, the benefits of globalization have to reach all levels of population so that global governance is sustainable. Thirdly, the difference between global governance and world government needs to be established. Global governance does not seek a central power for the system to work where as world government does. Global governance aims to take some power away from the state in order for global institutions to be strong, autonomous and effective. Only then can global economy, politics and culture be transparent. Global governance has several underlying themes such as a global economy, environmental concerns, democratic political legitimacy at all levels, conflict resolution, freedom of scientific, academic and communication modes and maintenance of peace and security. Successful examples have shown that this is only possible through effective interaction between state and non-state actors. While it has its own merits and demerits, global governance is a new chapter in world polit ics and it is worthy of being explained by at least one of the established IR theories. Of the several IR theories that are present, three will be discussed in an attempt to explain global governance in this piece of literature. They are realism, constructivism and liberalism. Realism is one of the pioneer theories of the discipline of international relations. It consists of three main components namely statism, survival and self-help. Statism refers to the belief that only state actors play a major role in world politics and all the rest of the functional elements of a political system are merely pawns. Survival refers to the belief that there the international system is based upon anarchy or

Saturday, November 16, 2019

International Business Essay Example for Free

International Business Essay 1. Summarize the globalization debate. What are the major interest groups in the world economy? How are they affected by different elements of globalization? 2. Who benefits and who loses from a shift in jobs to low-wage economies? Consider this question from the perspective of consumers, labour, technological change, firms, nation-states. Are the net benefits likely to be positive? 3. Identify and evaluate the sources of conflict between pressures on companies to operate globally and the desire of governments to regulate companies and activities within their borders. 4. Account for the existence of counter trade in the world economy and explore the view that its influence will continue as a solution to the problem developing countries face when attempting to export to western markets? 5. Analyze the likely impact on domestic markets of import restrictions via tariffs and quotas respectively. Discuss the dynamic side effects that can arise from import protection. 6. In the light of the strategic significance of price discrimination between cross-border markets to firms, evaluate the merits of anti-dumping measures. 7. Outline the static and dynamic effects of a customs union and explain why regional integration blocs composed of small economies are unlikely to be economically beneficial. 8. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the joint venture over licensing as a foreign market entry mode. Describe scenarios when licensing might be the preferable one of the two entry modes. 9. International franchising is often regarded as a low-risk foreign market entry strategy. Does this view fully reflect the attraction of international franchising as a market entry mode? 10. Under what circumstances would a BOT system make sense as an international marketing strategy?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Essay --

Parole and probation programs have been designed as alternatives to the confinement of a prison cell. The programs have been created for the portion of offenders who do not pose a threat to public safety. In the year 2008, the average daily cost for supervision of a probationer or parolee was about $4. The average daily cost to house an inmate was about $80. Obviously, if the individual was not a risk to the community they should be placed in these programs rather than be put in prison and suck taxpayers dry. If an offender is placed on parole or probation there are two ways they can end up in prison; committing a new crime or breaching conditions of their probation. Facts prove that life in prison without parole is swift, strict, and specific punishment. Those condemned to life have been sentenced to expire in prison. Between three different states figures varied from $18,000 to $26,000. The death penalty and life in prison are way more expensive than placing offenders who are not h azards to society in programs like parole and probation. Parole and Probation vs. Incarceration Costs Programs such as parole and probation have been introduced as alternatives to incarceration. These programs are designed for offenders who are not considered a hazard to society. Parole is typically granted towards the end of a sentence and probation commonly in place of one, but because the organization is overloaded, financially unstable, and carelessly managed, it often operates as well as a feeder organization, guaranteeing prison cells will not be unoccupied for long. Actually, according to a report compiled by the Pew Center for the States parole violators accounted for over a third of all prison admissions in 2005 and "half the US jai... ..., California accumulated $2,636 per individual. The expense of probation and parole are significantly smaller than the expenses of incarceration (Carlie, 2002). The reality is that there are some offenders who are better off being placed back into the community on probation and parole and helps save taxpayers hard earned money. The death penalty is way more expensive, time consuming with little success, and puts innocent people at stake. Life without parole gives fast, harsh, and specific punishment. It supplies lawfulness to survivors of murder victims. Sentencing dangerous offenders to life without parole is the most reasonable alternative for general security and any victim’s families. For offenders who do not pose a threat to the general public should be placed on probation or parole to help save money that can be used for more useful things within the state. Essay -- Parole and probation programs have been designed as alternatives to the confinement of a prison cell. The programs have been created for the portion of offenders who do not pose a threat to public safety. In the year 2008, the average daily cost for supervision of a probationer or parolee was about $4. The average daily cost to house an inmate was about $80. Obviously, if the individual was not a risk to the community they should be placed in these programs rather than be put in prison and suck taxpayers dry. If an offender is placed on parole or probation there are two ways they can end up in prison; committing a new crime or breaching conditions of their probation. Facts prove that life in prison without parole is swift, strict, and specific punishment. Those condemned to life have been sentenced to expire in prison. Between three different states figures varied from $18,000 to $26,000. The death penalty and life in prison are way more expensive than placing offenders who are not h azards to society in programs like parole and probation. Parole and Probation vs. Incarceration Costs Programs such as parole and probation have been introduced as alternatives to incarceration. These programs are designed for offenders who are not considered a hazard to society. Parole is typically granted towards the end of a sentence and probation commonly in place of one, but because the organization is overloaded, financially unstable, and carelessly managed, it often operates as well as a feeder organization, guaranteeing prison cells will not be unoccupied for long. Actually, according to a report compiled by the Pew Center for the States parole violators accounted for over a third of all prison admissions in 2005 and "half the US jai... ..., California accumulated $2,636 per individual. The expense of probation and parole are significantly smaller than the expenses of incarceration (Carlie, 2002). The reality is that there are some offenders who are better off being placed back into the community on probation and parole and helps save taxpayers hard earned money. The death penalty is way more expensive, time consuming with little success, and puts innocent people at stake. Life without parole gives fast, harsh, and specific punishment. It supplies lawfulness to survivors of murder victims. Sentencing dangerous offenders to life without parole is the most reasonable alternative for general security and any victim’s families. For offenders who do not pose a threat to the general public should be placed on probation or parole to help save money that can be used for more useful things within the state.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Causes Of Stress Essay

Stress is usually caused by too much pressure being put on us by others or in some cases by ourselves and if it’s left unchecked, stress can lead to an inability to function effectively, meaning a person will no longer be able to cope with the pressures placed upon them. The purpose of this essay is to analyze these three main causes of stress. The first major cause of stress is finances. Debts are piling up. Credit Card payments, pending mortgage installments, rising costs of education, mounting expenditure on health concerns. College students stress over paying for an education, older senior citizens find that retirement income can be a major cause of stress. This is pretty significant because financial stress is linked to health problems like depression and sleep problem. The second cause of stress is work. You may be worried about your next promotion. You might be facing the negative or bullying behavior of your boss. You might not be reaching your well-deserved career goals; you might be worried due to office politics. You might be stressed about some major change that is taking place in the organization, or, you might be under stress because of the prospect of losing your job. Students, especially teenagers and college age students, cite school work as a cause of stress. Sometimes, work stress is brought on by others. Sometimes, we bring it on ourselves. The third cause of stress is Health. For some, the stress is linked to obesity, and a desire to lose weight. For others, the stress is a personal bas habit that affects health and must be changed. For example, smoking, abuse of alcohol or other drugs. Illness or injury, whether less or more serious, can be a leading cause of stress for many people. In conclusion, There are many cause of stress in nowadays, and stress have many effect for our health so how to decrease stress? There are many different ways to manage stress. They are Take Care of Yourself, Maintaining The Right Attitude, Creating The Right Atmosphere, Interactive Resources.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Anzaldua †Borderlands la frontera Essay

In Gloria Anzaldua’s book Borderlands La Frontera, The New Mestiza, she shares her experience in a post-colonial world as a Chicana, a lesbian and a woman who grew up in a cross-cultured area trying to understand her identity but also to make us rethink about what a border is and what are the consequences which come with it. Anzaldua creates a â€Å"mestiza consciousness† as a dynamic capable of breaking down dualistic ascendant archetypes. This concept is related to â€Å"hybridity†, a mixed race, which will be the primary focus in this essay. The significance of being a hybrid in a colonized area of the North America resides in the desire of finding harmony between one’s cultural identity and the conqueror’s model society. Before the war with the US, California, Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas belonged to Mexico. As Anzaldua states, â€Å" separated from mexico, the native Mexican-Texan no longer looked toward Mexico as home, the southwes t became our homeland once more† (Anzaldua 29). In this area she lives in, the border, Anzaldua cannot expressly think of herself as Mexican nor can she truly call herself American according to the norms which include language (English) and the skin color (white). What is her identity then? All she knows is that her home is in the Rio Grande Valley. Anzaldua’s mother used to refer to boys as snakes: â€Å"don’t go to the outhouse at night [†¦] a snake will crawl into your nalgas and make you pregnant†. The Azteca-Mexicana culture is male-dominated; women do not really have much power. As she explains, â€Å"the first time I heard two women, a Porto Rican and a Cuban, say the word nosotras, I was shocked [†¦] Chicanas use nosotros whether you are male or female. Language is a mal discourse† (Anzaldua 76). Women are controlled by men in her society, maybe this is one of the reasons she became a lesbian. Men drove the powerful female deities underground by giving them monstrous traits and by replacing them with male deities, which shows the lack of power women hold in this culture. In addition, the author explains that speaking Spanish was seen as an insult for Americans; â€Å"if you want to be American, sp eak ‘American’. If you don’t like it, go back to Mexico† (Anzaldua 75). The ironic fact here is that Gloria’s ancestors have always inhabited the land that now belongs to the US, before ‘white people’ came and populated the area. The US itself was a colony with Spanish, French, British conquerors. Who said that ‘American’ has to be the language  you must speak in order to belong to their land? In addition, she had to take two speech classes to get rid of her accent. She expresses that â€Å"attacks on one’s form of expression with the intent to censor are a violation of the First Amendment [†¦] Wild tongues can’t be tamed, they can only be cut out† ( Anzaldua 76). Indeed, to truly be part of the American ideal society, she had to speak only English and get rid of her accent. However, her accent is part of the person she is, her culture and identity. Getting rid of it is getting rid of her cultural background. In conclusion, Gloria Anzaldua explains how challenging it was for her to live in a colonized land of North America, trying to fit in their ideal society without forgetting her own culture and everything that identify her. Her sexuality, gender, religion, culture, language and accent are what constitute the Self, what represents her uniqueness and defines her role in North America.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Free Essays on Islam

Islamic civilization has been the last great world civilization to appear to date. The fundamental ideas and values of Islam have their roots in Muhammad’s recitation of the Qur’an from the city of Mecca. Despite the simplicity of this single event, Islam spread far beyond its Arabian beginnings. As a result of the Arab conquests of the seventh century, many people were attracted to the unity of this Islamic society. The rise of Islam as an international tradition of religious, political, and social principles and institutions is one of the greatest revelations of all time. In the fifth century C.E. a merchant aristocrat called Muhammad from Mecca claimed to have received a divine prophecy from God’s messenger, Angel Gabriel. This prophecy is known as the Qu’ran. Mecca was a thriving commercial town that was a pilgrimage site where Ka’ba stood and was the center of the caravan trade. Mecca also held the origins of Islam. Muhammad was motivated to begin this new religious tradition because he saw what materialism and idolatry was doing to the world. After Muhammad’s proclamation of God’s last call to the people, him and his followers fled to Medina in 622 due to the religious persecutions they had received. This flight is known as the hegira, which is also the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, the organization of this new religious tradition began to develop. Muhammad, the prophet and founder of Islam, defined his followers as being Muslim, which is being submissive to God’s will. Their beliefs were held in the Five Pillars of Islam: absolute obedience to one God, five daily prayers facing Mecca, charity, fasting during Ramadan, and a pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims were also to abstain from pork and alcohol and to have allegiance to their Islamic community. The message of the Qur’an was that the way to paradise lay in gratitude to God for forgiveness and guidance, worship of false gods would not be tolerate... Free Essays on Islam Free Essays on Islam The literal meaning of Islam is peace or surrender of one’s will; in other words, losing oneself for the sake of God and surrendering one’s own pleasure for the pleasure of God. Islam is a religion which impacts every part of life, from eating and sleeping to working and playing. Allah, the almighty one, is the name of the God of the Muslims. The Muslims believe that Allah is an all-powerful, magnificent God who has created the universe and controls even the smallest detail of everything, much like the beliefs of Christians and Jews. Muslims believe that Allah is one, indivisible, and they believe in all the prophets and holy figures of the Christians and Jews including Adam, Eve, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, David, Solomon, Mary, Jesus, and others. Muslims also recognize another prophet named Muhammad, who is a direct descendant of Abraham through his first born son, Ishmael. Muhammad was born in Mecca in 570 A.D. and is the heart and soul of Islam. His father died just before he was born and his mother died when Muhammad reached the age of six. As an adult, he worked as a caravan driver and married several times. As a sacred person, Muhammad would retreat to caves and ponder over the differences of many diverse religious beliefs. At the age of forty, he had his first revelation which he initially thought might have been a hallucination. However, after confiding in his wife, Khadijah, he became convinced that his experience was a true communication from God. Muhammad had many more revelations after the first in which he began to communicate more openly with his people. Following the death of his wife and uncle, Muhammad experienced his â€Å"Night Journey† in 620 A.D. At this point, the angel Gabriel guided him upwards to the heavens where he encountered the angels, the great prophets, and at last, the all-mighty God. This was the confirm ation Muhammad needed to confirm that he was a prophet and messeng... Free Essays on Islam Islam is the name given to the religion preached by the Prophet Muhammad in the A.D. 600’s.Isalm is an Arabic word that means submission or surrender. God is called Allah, which means â€Å"The God†, and one who follows these teachings and beliefs is called a Muslim. Muhammad was born about A.D. 570 in the Arabian city of Mecca. Many believe that he began to receive revelations from Allah that were sent through Gabriel. These revelations took place in Mecca and Medina in a 22-year period and are now recorded in the Muslim holy book, the Qur’an. The Qur’an and the Sunna, the example of words and practices of Muhammad, make up the foundation of Islamic law. Islam is the second largest religion in the world, following Christianity. Over 1.1 million people follow this religion. Today, Muslims live in every country in the world. The central concept of Islam is tawhid, the oneness of God. Muslims are much like Christians in that they believe in one god who is the lord of the universe. They believe that they owe worship and obedience to God since He is the creator of the universe and He knows all. Every act performed in obedience to God is considered an act of worship in Islam. Most Muslims take care in their daily lives to respect their parents and elders, to be kind to animals and human beings, and to do their daily tasks to the best that they can. The formal acts of worship, called the Five Pillars, provide the framework for all aspects of Muslim life. The pillars consist of (1) Faith, (2) Prayer, (3) Charity, (4) Fasting, and (5) Pilgrimage. Faith is the main pillar since it is the basis surrounding the religion. They must have faith in God, and only Him. The pillar of prayer is important to most Muslims since they pray five times a day. They pray just before dawn, at midday, in mid-afternoon, just after sunset, and at night. Before they pray, they must wash their hands, their faces, parts of their arms and ... Free Essays on Islam Islam More Than A Religion Despite its huge following around the world and the growing Muslim communities in the United States, Islam is foreign to most Americans who are familiar with Christianity or Judaism. Because most Americans know little or nothing about Islam, they have many misconceptions about Muslim beliefs and rituals. The negative image many people in the United States and Europe have of Islam and the Muslim world has a long history. Many have judged Islam without making an effort to consider this religious tradition on its own terms, without bothering to become acquainted with its teaching and the ways in which Muslims practice their faith. Like Judaism and Christianity, Islam is a monotheistic religion, based on the belief in one God.. This religion was proclaimed by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia, in the 7th century A.D. The term Islam virtually means â€Å"surrender†. Within Islam the believer (called a Muslim) use the Arabic word for God, Allah , to refer to the creator of the world and of all life within it. Allah is viewed as the creator, sustained, and restorer of the world. The will of Allah, to which man must submit, is made known through the sacred scriptures, the Quran. Allah revealed the Quran to his messenger, Muhammad (praise be upon him). According to Islamic beliefs, Muhammad is the last of a series of prophets. Muhammad's message concurrently perfect and do away with the â€Å"revelations† attributed to earlier prophets. From the very beginning of Islam, Muhammad had portrayed a sense of brotherhood and a bond of faith to his followers. The Prophet fled to Medina in AD 622, it was during this time that his preaching was accepted and the community-state of Islam emerged. During this early period, Islam acquired its characteristics as a religion uniting in itself both the spiritual and temporal aspects of life. Islam also seeks to regulate not only the individual's relationship to God... Free Essays on Islam Islamic civilization has been the last great world civilization to appear to date. The fundamental ideas and values of Islam have their roots in Muhammad’s recitation of the Qur’an from the city of Mecca. Despite the simplicity of this single event, Islam spread far beyond its Arabian beginnings. As a result of the Arab conquests of the seventh century, many people were attracted to the unity of this Islamic society. The rise of Islam as an international tradition of religious, political, and social principles and institutions is one of the greatest revelations of all time. In the fifth century C.E. a merchant aristocrat called Muhammad from Mecca claimed to have received a divine prophecy from God’s messenger, Angel Gabriel. This prophecy is known as the Qu’ran. Mecca was a thriving commercial town that was a pilgrimage site where Ka’ba stood and was the center of the caravan trade. Mecca also held the origins of Islam. Muhammad was motivated to begin this new religious tradition because he saw what materialism and idolatry was doing to the world. After Muhammad’s proclamation of God’s last call to the people, him and his followers fled to Medina in 622 due to the religious persecutions they had received. This flight is known as the hegira, which is also the beginning of the Islamic calendar. In Medina, the organization of this new religious tradition began to develop. Muhammad, the prophet and founder of Islam, defined his followers as being Muslim, which is being submissive to God’s will. Their beliefs were held in the Five Pillars of Islam: absolute obedience to one God, five daily prayers facing Mecca, charity, fasting during Ramadan, and a pilgrimage to Mecca. Muslims were also to abstain from pork and alcohol and to have allegiance to their Islamic community. The message of the Qur’an was that the way to paradise lay in gratitude to God for forgiveness and guidance, worship of false gods would not be tolerate... Free Essays on Islam RELIGION ISLAM DEFINATION: The Arabic word â€Å"ISLAM† simply means â€Å"submission† , and derives from a word meaning â€Å"peace† . In religious context it means complete submission to the will of God. â€Å"Mohammedanism† is thus a misnomer because it suggests that Muslims worship Muhammad rather than God. â€Å"ALLAH† is the Arabic name for God, which is used by Arab Muslims and Christians alike. Who believes in ISLAM? Why? Muslims believe in ISLAM they believe in One God who is unique, Incomparable he is all powerful he is supreme power he has all authorities. God’s complete authority over human destiny and in life after death. Muslims believe in a chain of prophets starting with Adam and including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Job, Moses, Aaron, David, Solomon, Elias, Jonah, john, and Jesus, peace be upon them all. But God’s final message was brought by prophet Muhammad and he was the last prophet. Who are the Muslims ? Over one billion people from a vast range of races, nationalities and cultures across the globe. From the southern Philippines to Nigeria – are united by their common Islamic faith.About 18% live in the Arab world; but the world’s largest Muslim community is in Indonesia(130 million),30% of Muslims live in the Indian sub continent,20 % in sub Saharan African,17 % in South east ASIA, 10 % in the Soviet Union and China. All Muslims are not Arabs you will see black Muslims, Indian Muslims, American Muslims Bosinian Muslims, Turkish Muslims and etc Muslims are in many countries and are in many colors. Why does Islam often seem strange? Muslims always lead their live according to laws and teaching of their religion(ISLAM) where as in Christianity they don’t do that. Muslims have religion always uppermost in their minds,and make no division between secular and sacred. They b... Free Essays on Islam Islam The word â€Å"Islam† comes from the Arabic language and means â€Å"submission to God†. A Muslim belongs to the Islamic religion. The Arabic word Muslim means â€Å"one who is submitted to God, wholly committed to the divine power and authority (Speight 2). Islam is the youngest and one of the largest major religions with more than one billion followers (Hopfe 329). Muhammad, the founder of Islam, was born around A.D. 570 in Mecca. His mother died when he was six and his father died before he was born. Muhammad’s uncle, Abu Talib, a traveling merchant, raised him. Muhammad often traveled with his uncle to Syria and other regions for trade. At twenty-five years old, Muhammad married a wealthy widow, Khadija, who was forty at the time. They worked together as caravan merchants. Once Muhammad was allowed more leisure time, he started visiting a popular cave at Mount Hira, three miles from Mecca, to meditate. In the year 610, he received a vision of the angel Gabriel while at the cave. Gabriel brought this command from God: Recite: In the Name of thy Lord who created, created Man of a blood clot. Recite: And thy Lord is the Most Generous, Who taught by the Pen, Taught man what he knew not. From this point forward, Gabriel was to be the middle-man of communication between God and Muhammad, at the frequent revelations throughout the rest of Muhammad’s life (Braswell 12). These communications were transferred over time to become the scriptures of Islam, or the Qur’an. This sacred text teaches about God as well as how to lead a good, faithful life. The scriptures set harsh penalties for evils such as stealing or murder. After three years of silence about his experiences, Muhammad started his prophetic mission. At first, he only converted a few followers; most under forty years old from some of the most worthy families in Mecca. He preached against the idols in the Ka’ba , whic... Free Essays on Islam Next to Christianity, Islam is the next most popular religion of the world, with 1.3 billion followers accounted for in 2002. The word â€Å"Islam† comes from the Arabic word which means the submission or surrender of one’s will to the only true god worthy of worship, which they call â€Å"Allah†. Anyone who follows the religion of Islam is termed a â€Å"Muslim.† The main focus of Islam is the worship of Allah alone and the avoidance of worship directed to any person, place, or thing other than Allah. Islam rejects the worship of Allah’s creation and instead encourages the worship of Allah himself. Similar to the other major religions, such as Christianity and Judaism, Muslims believe in one unique God. Unlike Christianity and Judaism though, Muslims believe that Allah has neither a son nor partner and should be worshipped alone; no one shares in His divinity or attributes. Islam also rejects the existence of any human form of God. They acknowledge Jesus as a prophet, not the son of God. Any human form of God is considered blasphemous because God is far removed from every human imperfection. Some other beliefs of Islam are the belief in the existence of angels and the belief that God revealed books to His messengers as guidance for them. Among these books is the Holy Quran, which Allah revealed to the Prophet Muhammad. The Quran, which is the last revealed word of God, is the primary source of Islam faith and practice. It deals with all subjects which concern human beings, but its basic theme is the relationship between God and humans. It also provides guidelines and detailed teachings for a just society, proper human conduct, and an economic system. Muslims believe that by following the Quran, one will live a satisfying life. On the other hand, one who turns away from the Quran will have a life of hardship. The second source of Islam is the Sunnah. The word Sunnah has come to denote the way the Prophet Muhammad l... Free Essays on Islam Islam is the religion of mercy. Islam was very clear concerning women; it gave them their full rights and never considered them as inferior to men. According to Smock and Youssef, â€Å"The introduction of Islam†¦undoubtedly compromises the single most important determinant molding the character of Egyptian culture and as such had a profound effect on the status of women†(quote taken from Smock 35). Although Egypt and the whole Arab world are Islamic countries, Arab women are still denied some of their rights, and are still treated as the ‘weak sex’ that needs to be supported and guided by men. In ancient civilizations, such as Roman women were mistreated A woman didn’t have any rights, her approval in marriage wasn’t necessary, and she was treated like the property of her parents or husband (Badawi 7) Islam honors women and places them highly. Smock and Youssef state, â€Å"Islam, as an integral religion, formulates a total pattern for living rather than focusing primarily on theology. Hence Mohammed was concerned with the role of women† (Smock 37). Islam gives women specific rights, as well as duties and responsibilities. It doesn’t differentiate between man and woman; all people are equal and are judged according to their actions and deeds, not according to their sex. God says in the Holy Qur’an, â€Å"Whoso acts righteously, whether male or female and is a believer, We will surely grant him a pure life (4:123; also 16:19)† (quote taken from Agbetola 134). Islam has defended women starting their early childhood; it forbade infant icide, and also required parents to treat their daughters kindly and fairly. Prophet Muhammad stated â€Å"Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does not favor his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise† (quote taken from Badawi 15). As adults, Islam has also ensured that women would lead an honorable and dignified life. In the Qur’an it is cl... Free Essays on Islam Orthopraxy in Islam Islamic life is centered on the physical practice of prayer (salat). With that the religion of Islam itself is based in the methodical movement through which Muslims show their devotion to Allah. The prayer begins with the devotee standing, bending slowly into a sitting position and ending in full prostration. Bowing fully onto the ground is a practice that shows humility and represents the true devotion of members. Practice-centered religion differentiates itself from â€Å"orthodox† religion in that it focuses primarily on ritual practice, rather than theology or doctrine, orthodox meaning â€Å"correct opinion†. The most visible orthodox religion of America is Christianity. Christianity centers life around the opinions of the church with less emphasis on purity and behavior. Islamic life is distinctly based on what can be defined as â€Å"orthopraxy† or the importance of religious practice. The orthopraxy of Islam can be seen in at least three of the Five Pillars of Islam, salat, Ramadan and the hajj, which are also representative of Muslim faith and duties. Salat, as mentioned earlier, is the performance of prayer five times a day. The prayer, which includes full prostration, is performed facing Mecca. In the The Meaning of the Glorious Koran, (the earliest source of Islamic writing as dictated to Mohammed), it is written, â€Å"Whencesoever thou comest forth (for prayer, O Mohammed) turn thy face toward the Inviolable Place of Worship. Lo! it is the Truth from thy Lord. Allah is not unaware of what ye do (Surah 2:149).† Implicit directions for prayer also display the amount of emphasis on practice. Salat must be performed five times daily, at specific times of the day: early morning, noon, mid-afternoon, sunset, and evening. Each Friday a congregational service is held at the mosque and every male is required to attend. Before prayer, four ritual aspects are required: ritual purification, proper co... Free Essays on Islam â€Å"The Pillars of Islam†, by Frances Gumley and Brian Redhead briefly explains the basic principles which guide the lives of Muslims all over the world. Frances Gumley is a producer for religious programs for the British Broadcasting Commission and a free lance producer for Radio Four. Brian Redhead is a well known broadcaster for Radio Four. The two have worked together before on two occasions, â€Å"The good book† and â€Å"The Christian Centuries†. â€Å"The pillars of Islam†, is their third collaborative achievement. Gumley and Redhead adopt a very simple and logical style of presenting their views. They use quotations from the Koran and support their views by referring to viewpoints of distinguished Muslim scholars. The authors describe the five pillars in detail using a chapter for each one. The book being an introduction to the Islamic faith, I think that the authors have succeeded in capturing the essence of this particular religion. In my opinion ‘the five pillars of Islam’ is something of a misnomer. I think the first pillar, the statement of faith, Is not a pillar but the basis upon which all else rests. On this foundation rests the other four pillars. If they did not then they would not be important for they are expressions of worship and thus a form of giving, though also, like worship, a form of receiving. For in these pillars rests great inner peace and social peace- a harmony and serenity that is only possible if one is living the life for which one was created. For example everything manufactured works best when the manufacturers instructions are followed. Likewise for man: our proper performance depends upon carefully following the instructions of the manufacturer’s manual. It is therefore our obligation to seek and realize and to obey the word of the creator. The Five Pillars of Islam are the foundation of the Islamic religion. These basic laws are very significant and stand as a way for Muslims to e... Free Essays on Islam The strong impact slavery had on the spread of Israel The word of the Quran had a strong influence on many cultures. The Muslims holy word was fitting to many and easily answered people’s questions on how to get into heaven and how to stay out of flaming hell. The spread of Islam moved quickly considering the extensive geography and different regions that were involved. While the word to the Quran brought guidance to many, Islam spread by word of mouth while trading and military conquests took place. (Stearn,68) Throughout this paper I hope to show how the African Diaspora and slavery both economically and geographically played a huge role in the spread of Islam. The Islam faith offered rules that where easily followed, and it didn’t condemn or renounce material wealth. Economically Muslims brought strong skills in navigation, trade, and commercial exchange. (Fiero, 50) The famous Jihad also translated as the â€Å"holy war† was used as a defense in faith against non-Muslims. Although the Muslim armies did have success in defending there faith and it was thought that the Muslim religion brought power and triumph. As Africans where traded into the Islamic world many of them accepted and agreed with the Islamic faith. (Stern, 68) One example of a military slave that converted to the Islamic belief was a man named Ammar bin Yasir. He was one of the first African’s to embrace Islam, which he did at 48 years old. He told his father, an old Sabena freedman and his mother, also an old black African slave-woman that he had converted to Muslim. They also decided to embrace the Islam culture. When Ammar made and early conversion to Islam he suffered a great deal for his decision. He was punished and tortured, he was forced to sit and witness the brutal and horrifying death of his mother and father for their decision to convert to the Muslim faith and embracing Islam. The pagan Quraysh put a burning rod through Ammara’s chest ... Free Essays on ISLAM The first thing that one should know and understand about Islam is what the world â€Å"Islam† means. The religion of Islam is not named after a person as in the case of Christianity which named after Jesus Christ, Buddhism after Gotama Buddha, and Confucianism after Confucius and Hinduism after the Hindus. Islam is the religion of â€Å"Allah† (God). â€Å"The Arabic word â€Å"Islam† means the submission or surrender of one’s will to the only true god worthy of worship â€Å"Allah† and anyone who does so is termed a â€Å"Muslim†, the word also implies â€Å"peace†Ã¢â‚¬ . The name of God’s religion Islam was not decided upon by later generations of man. It was chosen by Allah Himself and clearly mentioned in His final revelation to man. Islam is the world’s second most popular religion. It began 1400 years ago in Arabia, but swiftly become a world faith, and now has around 1,200 million adherents. There are between 1. 2 and 1.6 million Muslims in the UK, about 600,000 of who are active in the faith. Those who are not active still regard being a Muslim as an important part of their identity. Islam was the religion of the first couple, Adam and Eve. It was also the religion of messengers of God like Noah, Abraham, Moses and Jesus. The real meaning of their message was the same. Islam teaches that â€Å"believe and obey one true God and obey his messengers†. Jesus (peace be upon him) was the second last prophet of God. He foretold the coming of the last Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him). While the message of the earlier messengers, including Jesus was limited, but the message of Prophet Mohammad is universal and will remain so till the end of this world. Belief in Islam means belief in One God, belief in all of God’s messengers, belief in all the books sent down to His Prophets. These books include Torah and Gospel (not the Bible), belief in the existence of angels, and belief in the Day of Judgment and Life after Death, heaven and hell...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Globalization and health Inequalities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Globalization and health Inequalities - Essay Example Lee (2000) explain that globalisation is an unavoidable and primarily gentle process of global economic integration, in which countries increasingly drop border restrictions on the flow of capital, goods and services. He further acknowledged that risks are a more rapid spread of disease through tourism and the speedier and more massive and regular movement of goods and people. He noted that the risks of globalisation processes can be managed and are more than offset by benefits in the dissemination of new ideas, technologies and steady global economic growth (Lee 2000). Whereas, Dowler (2007) define inequalities in health to mean difference in health experience between different groups of people, in that some groups of people experience poorer health than the majority of the population. This he said, is usually due to life circumstances, such as living in poverty, on low or fixed incomes, in poor housing, having few opportunities for social activities, a lack of connectedness to community; and, to discrimination arising from gender, poverty, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation or disability (Dowler, 2007). This paper will present a literature review on globalisation and its effects on health inequalities. The main objective is to provide a framework to understand how globalisation accelerates current changes in our lifestyles, the free movement of people travelling (Tourism) in relation to the rapid spread of infectious diseases, noticeably SARS. Inaddition, the estimate shows increasing gaps between the rich and poor that emerged in the various literatures. Research shows that the globalisation process as it is defined by Lee (2000) and others, that globalisation are responsible for the accelerated free movement of people. WHO (2003) estimated that more than two million travellers cross international borders on a daily basis. This includes not only economic migrants, refugees but also tourism. It is suggested that, a traveller infected with SARS could easily be transported across the globe six times within the incubation period of this deadly disease (WHO, 2003). This research will a nalyse this statement in detail and provide points for future research needs, based on the current globalisation policy debates and around the spread of diseases, and it will also make a case study of SARS in order to enrich the proposal. RESEARCH QUESTION: Does globalisation contribute to health inequality' AIM: To analyze and discuss, where, why and how the globalisation process affects or accelerates health inequality OBJECTIVES: 1. To see what has and has not been investigated about globalisation and how does it affect health inequality 2. To identify potential relationships between the concepts and to identify researchable needs in the area 3. To develop an understanding of how free movement of people such as tourism has changed cultures/lifestyles, through the process of globalisation 4. To demonstrate knowledge of the history of the spread of infectious diseases and globalisation of trade and investments 5. To discover how my research project can be related to the work of others LITERATURE REVIEW I will conduct my research, from the

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Management of international business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Management of international business - Essay Example Nevertheless, its home country government encourages expansion and the host country business environment is conducive to FDI. The repost that suggests the CHL should enter Belgium through acquisition of majority stake in an existing mobile network operator’s business. Based on the Uppsala Model, once it has gained knowledge and expertise on the local market, CHL can expand its network and make further investments. Table of Contents 1. Introduction 1 2. Belgium 1 3. The European Union 4 4. China Mobile Limited 6 5. Telecom Sector Analysis 9 6. Mode of Entry Analysis 11 7. Conclusion 15 References 16 1. Introduction China Mobile Limited, world’s largest mobile operator, intends expanding overseas into the European markets. It intends to enter the Belgian market which is under the European Union. This report evaluates the telecom sector in Belgium apart from the business environment in Belgium and then suggests the mode of entry. 2. Belgium Belgium has always been a prospe rous market place and is located at the crossroads of Latin, Germanic and Anglo-Saxon influences (Belgian Federal Government, 2011). This is a small country but it has highly competitive industry and service sector, and is well integrated into the globalized world. According to the KOF index Belgium is the most globalized county in the world. The nation also occupies the sixth position on the list of the countries that attract foreign investments, as per the Ernst & Young European Investment Monitor, 2011. 2.1 Political Environment The Belgium state has evolved from a highly centralized structure to a federal system in which many regions have been granted autonomy for many policy areas (Rynck, 2005). Each region is responsible for its own economic development, housing, environment and transport. In Belgium there is no hierarchy between regional and national laws. Political risk in Belgium is very low in Belgium, according to AMB Country Risk Report (2012). 2.2 Economic Environment T he country was affected severely by the recent global recession. Countries that have so far been investing in Belgium are the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany and the Netherlands (Belgian Federal Government, 2011). Investments are mostly in sales and marketing sectors followed by industries and the logistics sectors. The business environment in Belgium is conducive to investments as there is no distinction between foreign and domestic companies. There are no restrictions either on foreign investments or income repatriation. In addition, foreign companies, subsidiaries or branches have the same privileges, and enjoy the same incentives as domestic companies while they also have the same legal obligations (UHY, 2011). Because of the locational advantages Belgium has become a highly developed transit and distribution centre for several other countries in the European market. The banking system is under the control of the Belgian National Bank, which is responsible for all monetary and financial operations in the country. Venture capital is also available to young and dynamic entrepreneurs (UHY, 2011). Belgium has a well-developed economy and all the economic sectors are well represented. However, it imports almost all raw materials but exports from the country are primarily comprised of machinery and transport equipment, food products, chemicals and metals. The two main regions in Belgium are Flemish and Walloons but the unemployment pattern in